marielamuneka (comments)
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Well, people carry weight differently. I like to use the excuse that muscle weighs more than fat =P I'm working on it though. Slow and steady wins the race I guess.
all of our comments have been about weight, weird. lol. so um, how are you doing otherwise?
Haha that's cute! I'm actually injured right now because of some stupid game during my game last week, It ended our games till we come back from vacation but should be having practice later this week, which I'm not going! But how far does your boyfriend live? I wouldn't be able to do that to myself, having to wait and wait for that one person you live for. I was actually was thinking about kick boxing at the YMCA I work at, considering it only cost me like 12 bucks for like 8 classes because I'm staff, but I really don't have time for that. I work most of the time and then have school to manage and to put it all together, I'm trying to get captain status for my squad next season, knowing it's my last year in that dump school.
So you'll be able to kick someone ass, like a pedo following you from work or something :]
Right now I weigh 140, a lot of people tell me I look like I weigh less, which is a good thing, lol. I'm 5'6. Right now I'm down to those problem areas, too. The thighs and the tummy, lol, I think a lot of girls have problems in those areas though. i hate the little pouch when i sit down =\
Yeah, gaining 30lbs in, like, 5 months isn't normal. LOL. Right now I just healthy. I've never liked fried food, so fast food doesn't appeal to me. I've starting eating low carbs high protein and lost 1.5lbs this week. Those 10lbs are just holding onto my lower stomach and thighs, ugh. lol.
I still have about 10lbs left :( Not a TON because I've already lost about 20... I was pretty unhealthy and this past summer i weighed about 130lbs and going back to school and eating more made me gain weight. i'm not as ashamed of admitting to my eating issues as i used to be. but i wanna stay away from "diets"
Her name is Dee! Well I've been kinda on and off with cB for a while now. Like I have alot of things to do after the lacrosse season started.
i'm at a stand still too. hopefully i'll get there before graduation.. which is the end of may. eep. i'm just glad there's people like tama and reider to give acurate advice.
So many weight loss topics in the Health forum, LOL. You are gorgeous, though. I wish I only had to tone up =( haha
hey, sorry but i dont accept friend requests on createblog.
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